Purchas Domain Name Purchas Domain Name

6 Things to Know Before Purchasing a Domain Name

Are you using blogspot free blog with sub domain name    or you want to start new online business so you want buying anew domains? When purchasing new domain names, chances are they might not exactly be ‘new’. It could have been registered and abandoned by someone else before. Or worse, it could have been involved in malicious activities that could have resulted in search penalties. So how can one do prior research to check if a domain is safe before actually buying it Here’s the strangest thing about URLs and the act of finding the right domain name: it’s quickly becoming the job of PR professionals.

Because available domain names are being purchased for proper use or just “squatters’ rights”, you’ll have to consider so much more than just “my address online” (dot) whatever when making the decision.

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6 things you need to know before purchasing a domain name

Site search

First step: do a site search. Search Google for “site:yourdomain.com” (minus the quotes), and you should come across pages from that domain, provided that there’s some content on it. If you can see results from that domain, including the latest content, then that domain is in great shape, and has no indexing problems.

However, be mindful of the fact that if a domain is parked, it won’t usually return any result for a site search. So unless a domain name is parked, absence of results in site search can be  pretty bad sign.

Brand Domain

This should be something that is close to a mirror image. Why? Because if your brand is anything in the marketplace, this is how people will get to know you. And if you try to be cerebral with your domain name, you could confuse — or even alienate — your consumers. This is becoming a chicken-and-egg concept because before a brand is solidified, the URL should be considered. Another reason is that your considered brand name makes a terrible domain name. Look at this picture if you need any more proof about that because your brand could become a mockery within seconds of pressing enter.

Internet Archive

If you go to archive.org, and put in a domain, it will show you what the previous versions (if any) of the site looked like. And if a site looks like it was spamming, then that is definitely reason to be more cautious, and maybe steer clear of that domain altogether. The previous owner might have burnt that domain to the ground, and you will have to do a lot of work to get it up and running again.


It’s no secret that dot.com rules the roost on the Interweb because that is how people were trained to think of websites. In fact, with the close to 150 million .COMs that exist, its closest competitor is .NET at 15 million. Although dot.net was created initially for technology companies, people didn’t care about etiquette. That became the fail safe for “Well, my URL isn’t available on .COM, so whatevs.” Fortunately, .ORG have remained true to form in that most people equate them with non-profit Organizations. If you can brand your URL with the extension, good for you. If not, find a .COM because although your brand may be available with .BIZ, .INFO, or .YOURMOM, many may not think about it that way (unless your mom is cute).

Name Search

Search the Google for the name of the domain itself. For example, “nafisflahi” or “abcblog”. This often helps you find out about the bad reputation (if any) of a domain. People could be talking about that domain name somewhere on the internet, or could be spamming with it. Check out what results get pulled out, and see if any of them indicates some cause for concern.

Be Committed

If you want to protect your brand and online properties, be committed. Buy the URL for at least three years. Typically, spam sites purchase a slew of one-year domains, spamdex the crap out of them, and ultimately end up on Page 27 of Google. While it’s nice traffic bonanza for a few weeks, it won’t matter because you have already given search engines the red flag they need to obliterate your website. Another commitment level to consider is if your brand name isn’t available, don’t buy a stop-gap name thinking you will change your brand midstream. That’s not good business, and even worse Web sense.

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