Make Money with the eBay Make Money with the eBay

How Bloggers Can Make Money with eBay Partner Network

When it comes to making money with a website or blog or make money online,  you always want to keep your audience value and user experience in mind at all times. The type of ads on your site should reflect the type of content found on there as well. For example, if you have a site on cooking recipes it would be much more relevant to try and promote cooking books and supplies versus the latest best selling movies and DVDs.

At the same time, you also want to make sure you are promoting websites and brands people trust. It’s much easier to promote a site like eBay, that nearly everyone already knows and uses, versus a new website that doesn’t have much trust and branding behind it.

There are many different ways to monetize a site, but being able to offer your audience value and something they are interested in is always going to perform better than just throwing random advertisements on your site. A perfect way to accomplish this, while also aligning your site with a trusted name brand, is to join the eBay Partner Network (EPN) and earning commissions by referring traffic to their site.

In this review, we are going to take a look at how the eBay Partner Network works, how they’ve grown and developed over the years and why they might also be the perfect form of monetization for your site.

eBay Partner Network Review

The concept of eBay is nothing new for the majority of people on the internet. It’s one of the largest online shopping and auction sites on the internet today and has millions of people on their site at any given time. All of this can be seen as a great advantage when partnering with EPN, as it’s a trusted name and site that your audience is probably already using on a daily basis.


Before implementing any type of advertising or monetization on your site, it’s always best to have a good understand of how the program works, when you earn a commission and how to best promote the offer to your audience. These are all topics and questions that we will be covering in the information below.

How much does EPN pay out to their partners?

The most common question with any form of monetization or advertising is how much will site owners and marketers be paid for their efforts. In the case of EPN, partners are paid out a commission based on the revenue that eBay earns from each transaction. This commission amount is in between 40-80% depending on the product category each lead/sale falls into (as seen below). It’s also important to note that EPN partners are paid out on the “eBay Revenue” portion of the transaction and not the final sale of products being sold on eBay.


When and How are EPN Partners Paid?

eBay Partner Network sends out commissions to their partners on a monthly basis, and as long as the minimum payment threshold of $25 has been met. Payments are sent out via Direct Deposit.

All EPN partners will have access to campaign stats, earnings and payment history through their EPN Publisher Portal.

Benefits of Partnering with eBay Partner Network

With the core basics of the eBay Partner Network all being covered, we can now take a look at the many benefits site owners and marketers have when choosing EPN as their monetization method of choice.

One of the most obvious benefits is the association of the “eBay” name. With over 162 million active buyers on the site and more than 5 million sellers resulting in over $70 billion in annual sales, this is a win-win for both site owners and their audiences. eBay is also a worldwide brand, with complete global reach and over 291 million people actively using their mobile application.

In summary, site owners usually have a hard time finding reliable partners and trusted services to promote to their audiences. Not only is eBay one of the strongest names out there, they also accept traffic from nearly all audiences and locations around the world.

Lastly, eBay is such a well-known and trusted brand, that it’s actually quite easy to promote and earn commissions with as well. Since most audiences already know the name and actively buy from the site, it’s simply a matter of placing their banners or links on your site and sending your traffic over to eBay.

To get an idea of how much your site could be earning by sending traffic to eBay, take a look at the “Earnings Calculator” below (which is also found on the EPN site). Through this handy tool you can pick different items and change the number of how many items you might typically sell. The Earnings Calculator will then show your “Potential Earnings” in the section below.

A good example of this would be if you had a technology blog and wanted to provide a link to eBay for people to purchase computers, laptops or mobile devices. In the screenshot below you can see that a typical “iPad Mini 4” listing on eBay sells for $610.99. Should your site send enough traffic to result in 15 sales of these items, you could be looking at a commission of $453.60.


eBay Network Partner also offers the following features and benefits to their partners.

  • Competitive payout ranging from 50%-70% of eBay’s revenue, with double commissions on purchases from new and reactivated buyers that you drive from your site
  • Over 1,000 new Buy It Now deals posted daily in top categories such as Fashion, Tech, Home, Kids, and more
  • Some Daily Deals guaranteed to be best on the web pricing
  • Free shipping on all Daily Deals
  • Affiliate newsletters with advanced notice on upcoming deals
  • RSS feeds available for Daily Deals

EPN Partners can also discover what’s new at eBay, best products to promote and other relevant news and information through their blog.

Earning Double Commissions with EPN

The only thing more exciting than earning commissions with EPN, is earning double commissions!

That’s exactly what EPN is offering to their site partners during the first two months of their account creation.

Earning Double Commissions


Make Money with the eBay Partner Network

eBay is one of the most well-known and trusted websites in the world today. To have the opportunity to partner up with their brand and EPN platform is an amazing opportunity no one should turn own.

To get started, all you need to do is visit and complete the signup details and then log in with your existing eBay account. After the approval process, you will then have access to the EPN Portal Area where you can access your partner links to start promoting eBay to your audiences.

As with all content and monetization, if you want to see the best results, make sure your links blend in well with your content. As mentioned earlier, if you are already talking about a specific topic, product or service, be sure to reference how you might be able to get these same items on eBay at a much better price.

lets join eBay partner work and make some extra money

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