How To Hide Links From Blogger Comment

Hide Link

It always advisable to Change blogger comment attribute nofollow or remove comments link completely  You can hide all you comment box link using the jQurey or CSS
I’m posting there tow way to hide comment links to hide
your comment box link follow these step

  • Log in you account-Tepmlate-Edit html
  • Find the  ]]></b:skin> and copy the below code
  •  Past the below code jut above  ]]></b:skin>

.comment-content a {
display: none;

Second Way

  • Log in you account-Tepmlate-Edit html
  • Find </body>
  • Copy the below code and past above this code </body>

<script src=’’/&gt


  • If you have already using jQurey  then skip this step  
  • Copy the following code and past above </body> tag

$(‘.comment-content a[rel$=nofollow]’).replaceWith(function(){return ($(this).text());});

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