How To Add Star Rating in Blogger Post

Stars Rate

Couple of days ago I was having communication with one of the client for the review post and after finalizing everything he asked whether I will rate their product or not. As TricksRoad is on Blogger platform so I have many limitations. But I started searching for it and finally I am able to implement it. That review post will be live in few days where first time I’ll add star rating in blogger post.

After adding star rating in blogger post, it looks quite nice and so I am sharing the details as how to add star rating in blogger post so that you can also do the same. Till now I have published many review posts but no one demanded the rating so never worked on it but it’s well said-
Star rating is show by Google search engine result and review mark up
and extra traffic in your blog it give you your post rich look
you post will be show in Google search result with 4 star
smiler to this image

Star  rate

Benefits of adding Star Rating in Blog Post
There are many benefits of adding star rating in blog posts. Below I am listing few of those.

• It increases the faith of your visitors on the product
• While reviewing you provide rating (Usually 1-5) so the users simply can estimate how much that product worth of without reading whole review.
• Increases traffic to the site
• Provides value to your clients

To Add Star Rating in Blogger Post follow these step

it is very easy just copy the below code and past it in that post html secation
which one you prefer to give the star rating

<div class=”hreview”>
<span class=”rating”>4.5</span> out of 5 stars
<span class=”reviewer vcard”>Reviewer:<span class=”fn”>Your Name Here</span> –
<abbr class=”dtreviewed” title=”2012-03-29″>March 29, 2012</abbr></span>

  • Now Replace the “4.5” with your rating
  • Replace the “your name here” with your name 
  • change the date and time with blue color carefully
  • you must use jump break before the mark up 

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