How To Add SEO Meta Tags keywords Description to your blog

How To Add SEO Meta Tags keywords Description to your blog the meta tag a special HTML tag that provides information about webpages, adding meta tags to your blog is another great way of increasing your search engine ranking ,in this post i will be disusing the best way to adding meta tag to your blog  without meta tag duplication,the meta tag description give the short summery is what your blog is all about to the search engine for beater index,in keyword meta tag you must provide the phrase relevant to your blog content, usually blogger template  not optimized with keyword and description,which will give great effect to your search engine ranking, so in this post i will show you how to add meta tag to your blog easy way


Add SEO Meta tags Title Keywords

To add meta tag in your blog Go to blogger dashboard>>Template>>Edit HTML and find the below code to find press CTR+F

<b:include data=’blog’ name=’all-head-content’/>

Now Copy the below code and past it below the above code

<meta content=’PUT BLOG DESCRIPTIONS HERE ‘ name=’description’/>
<b:if cond=’data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;’>
<meta content=’PUT CONTENT KEYWORDS HERE ‘ name=’keywords’/>


  •  Replace the PUT BLOG DESCRIPTIONS HERE with your blog  description
  •  Replace the PUT CONTENT KEYWORDS HERE with your content keywords related to your blog content
  • Now Save your template


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