Best WordPress SEO Plugins Best WordPress SEO Plugins

Best WordPress SEO Plugins To Get Higher Ranking

WordPress Plugins for SEO if you choose self-hosted blogging platform and you are successfully created WordPress self hosted blog  and you are know How To Install WordPress Plugin  after creating WordPress self Hosted blog now you start posting article on your blog and now you want your blog results in a  first page search engine  you have to use WordPress SEO Plugins that can help improve SEO of your WordPress sites. In this article, we will share best WordPress SEO plugins  To get Higher Rankings that will improve SEO of your website.

We all know that SEO is a vast field, and it requires lots of knowledge to master it. But if you are serious about blogging, business or about your portfolio then you will do your level best to improve your brand presence and authorship. And one of the best ways to enhance your brand presence and authority is SEO, as it helps to drive more organic traffic, customers, and leads.

And to assist you with on-page optimization here, I am sharing few of the best WordPress SEO plugins. They all are extremely functional with options like force rewrite rule, automated content optimization, social media integration and many other You don’t need to use all of these SEO plugins, but each works in a different way, so I would suggest choosing and using the ones that best suit your needs.

Best SEO Plugins for WordPress Blogs:

Yoast WordPress SEO Plugin

It is the best WordPress SEO plugin till date. WordPress SEO plugin by Yoast is used by almost every blogger and webmaster for the power it provides for on-page analysis, off page SEO and even proper social optimization for better ranking. I use it and many others like WPbeginner also use it. It’s like an all in one SEO coupon that unlocks great rankings. Let’s see what makes it so popular:

  • Makes your website social media friendly by integrating the most recent Facebook open-graph and Twitter meta-data.
  • Ensures that your content includes Meta descriptions tags for keywords
  • Add meta value for the homepage
  • Social SEO
  • Create sitemap file
  • Control indexing of your blog
  • Analyzes the inbound links and outbound links and rates your website content
  • Its Flesch Reading Ease scale can check how easy your content is in terms of reading.
  • Prevents duplicate content by rel=canonical tags
  • Prevents scrappers by verifying Google authorship and optimizing RSS feed.



Semrush is one of the smartest and an award-winning SEO tool. This is perfect for an individual blogger, for agencies or for large SEO companies to take care of all their SEO need.

SEMRUSH is an online SEO tool which offers multiple features like Keyword research, backlink checker, site audit to name a few,SERMUSH graphical interface makes it easier for you to quickly start working on it. One of the best features of this awesome SEO tool is, you can check any website and find out which keywords that website is ranking for. You can further select the keywords to see other matrices such as difficulty, related keywords, AdSense CPC

All In One WordPress SEO Pack
This plugin also has over 1 million active users

Although its features are similar with Yoast, All in One SEO Pack claims to be the only plugin that integrates with WordPress E-commerce sites. Also, one of its unique features are automatically generating meta tags and optimizing titles for better search ranking.

  • XML Sitemap support – submit your sitemap to Google and Bing and improve your SEO
  • Google Analytics support
  • Support for SEO on Custom Post Types
  • Advanced Canonical URLs
  • Automatically optimizes your titles for Google and other search engines
  • Generates META tags automatically
  • Translated into 57 languages

SEO Friendly Images

Now you can quickly boost your website visitors since now you can get loads of traffic from Google image search. Do you know that almost 10 to 15 percent searches made on Google are related to pictures and graphics?

Even for keywords like SEO and blogging, if you rank in the third or fourth position of image search, you will be able to drive hundreds of extra visitors to your website. ( Now this depends on how attractive is your graphics, snapshot or picture ).

Now the problem is that not all bloggers and content writers optimize the image. Remember that search bots can’t feel nor they have any expression. They can just read the text and in order to tell them that your post has an image, you have to provide them with alternate text and title tag. They both are important, but you can move a step forward by adding the description and the caption. Now it might be too tough for many of you, especially if your site has thousands of pictures. Well in such condition you can use this amazing plugin.

SEO friendly images WordPress plugin automatically add the alternate and title tags to each every image on every individual post. It will use your post title as the keyword and then will implement it. The best part is that it even makes your article W3C/xHTML valid

Google XML Sitemap plugin



A powerful yet easy to use SEO plugin. It allows you to create quickly and submit your sitemaps to Google Webmaster and Bing Webmaster tool this plugin will generate a special XML sitemap which will help search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo and to better index your blog. With such a sitemap, it’s much easier for the crawlers to see the complete structure of your site and retrieve it more efficiently. The plugin supports all kinds of WordPress generated pages as well as custom URLs. Additionally, it notifies all major search engines every time you create a post about the new content,

I love using this plugin just because of its simplicity and support for multiple post formats. I mean if you theme support custom styles for contents like video, gallery, quote, etc., then Google sitemap can even include them in your sitemap. This feature is usually missing in other plugins.

Make sure that you use a quality SEO plugin but not overdo it with many SEO plugins, it is recommended to keep only one SEO plugin per site. WordPress SEO by Yoast is undoubted should be your first choice please do share it on Google+ Facebook Twitter

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