Make Money With Affiliate Marketing Guide for beginners Make Money With Affiliate Marketing Guide for beginners

How to Make Money By Affiliate Marketing Guide for beginners

Affiliate marketing is the process of promoting another company’s products or services for a commission.this is one of the best way  making money on the Internet affiliate marketing allows people to sell a variety of products online through their blogs or website. If you are looking for an easy way to monetize your website or blog, you can easily implement affiliate marketing into your site.

I’m recommend you to try affiliate marketing to make Passive Income by the affiliate marketing because it’s a very simple, transparent model for earning an income online. It’s not about joining some pyramid scheme where you have to recruit people to sell random products

You create a useful, themed website that provides information, and then casually recommend products that are related to your topic.

The basic concept is signing up for an affiliate marketing network and finding products that are within your niche. Once you find the product that is within your niche, you click on the hoplink to add your affiliate ID to the product link. When a reader clicks on your hoplink and buys the item, you get a commission for the sale. Although this sounds simple, there are a few things that you need to know before you get started

How Does Affiliate Marketing Work

When you Sign Up as an Affiliate, you chose a product that you want to promote. Seller provide you a unique affiliate code that you can use to refer traffic to their site. Almost all affiliate programs offer ready made links and banners. You just need to copy the code and paste it on your blog. When your visitors click on these links or banners, they are redirected to the seller’s site. If they purchase a product or subscribe to a paid service, you earn a commission.
It’s your unique affiliate ID through which a seller track your performance.

Affiliate Marketing Tip

The key to finding success with affiliate programs is to build a content-rich website with useful information centered around a specific topic or theme. don’t just haphazardly throw up a quick site or blog and string a bunch of affiliate links all over your pages.You have to start by building credibility. And the best way to do that is to write about something you know a lot about.Instead of hard-selling, the key is to subtly recommend products and services that fit in with what you are writing about in your content.

It’s also a good idea to own the products you promote so you can speak intelligently about them and appear more credible to your audience

Different Types of Affiliate Marketing

It’s a misconception that you need to sell products all the time to make a commission. In affiliate marketing, you can also earn without selling a product. Lets have a look at its different types:

Cost Per Sale(CPA)

CPA stands for Cost Per Acquisition. In CPA marketing, you make a commission only when a visitor visit Merchant site  by your links and purchase goods and services from the Merchant.
Cost Per Lead(CPL)

You make a commission when a visitor referred by you completes a form on the Merchant Web Site.
Cost Per Click(CPC)

As the name suggests, you earn a commission when a visitor on your blog clicks on the Merchant’s banner or link and thus visits the Merchant’s Web site.

Why Blogger should try Affiliate Marketing

I recommend Affiliate Marketing because it’s much better than Google Adsense for blogs which has good amount of traffic. The reasons why I recommend Affiliate Marketing are listed below:

Passive Income

In any regular job, you get a fixed salary as long as you work. This is not the case with Affiliate Marketing. If your marketing skill is really good, you can earn even when you are away from your computer.

No Investment at All

The beauty of affiliate marketing is, it allow you to promote products which are developed by others. It means you don’t need to hire employees or open an office. Marketing on internet is really cheap as compared to offline world so investment is either null or very small.

Anyone can Join

The word “Free” always attract new bloggers. For Joining any affiliate programs, you don’t need to pay anything so everyone can try it.

Affiliate Programs/Networks list

Their are lots of affiliate program network but i recommend you the affiliate network listed below For getting better result in Affiliate Marketing, you need to choose best product to promote. Below given sites are considered best for affiliates:

Commission Junction
Click Bank
Link Share
Amazon Associates
Flex Offers
Commission Soup

i hop this post is help you to make money online by affiliate program if you feel this post is helped you please do share on Facebook google+

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